Custom self-inking stamps are a convenient and efficient way to mark documents, envelopes, or other surfaces with personalised information or designs. These stamps contain an ink pad inside the stamp mechanism, which automatically re-inks the stamp after each impression, eliminating the need for an external ink pad. Here’s how you can go about getting a custom self-inking stamp from ourselves:

  • Choose a stamp or shape: Start by selecting a custom self-inking stamp. You can use our stamp designer to select a design or choose a stamp itself.
  • Design Your Stamp: We offer an exclusive online design tool that allows you to create your stamp. You can upload your own design or use our templates to add text, images, and other elements. Make sure to customise the stamp to your specific needs.
  • Select the Size and Style: You’ll need to choose the size of the stamp, which can vary from small address stamps to larger logo stamps. 
  • Proof and Review: Before finalising your order, carefully review the design and layout to ensure it’s exactly how you want it. 
  • Place Your Order: Once you’re satisfied with the design, proceed to place your order. Be sure to provide accurate shipping and payment information.
  • Use and Maintenance: When you receive your stamp, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and maintenance. Self-inking stamps are easy to use; you simply press down on the stamp, and it will make an impression while re-inking itself for the next use.
  • Replenish Ink: Over time, the ink pad inside the self-inking stamp will run out. We offer replacement ink pads or refills for our stamps. You can purchase these separately to keep your stamp functional.

Custom self-inking stamps are a handy tool for businesses, individuals, and organisations that require frequent and consistent stamping. 

We offer a professional and efficient way to add logos, addresses, signatures, or other information to documents and materials with our exclusive range of stamps.